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Press Release

WeatherInfo is pleased to announce the launch of US Weather Information (UWI) App for iPhone and iPod.

This App gives users the ability to observe US current and forecast weather with the power of graphs, charts, maps and text. It aims to inform users quickly in this fast track world by displaying the required information in a easy to view visual format like graphs, charts and maps.

Users will also be able to view current observations weather, forecast temperatures for there location, radar maps of regions and the nation also interactive maps that show predictions of future weather patterns.

What makes UWI different from the rest?
AWI is developed with the user in mind. Our first goal was to make the app fast and intuitive. We used JSON to reduce the size of weather information coming over the internet also compacted all the required information in a single JSON message so users don't have to wait while they navigating within the App. We also used finger flicks to show additional views with information which makes the App very intuitive.

What are interactive maps?
Interactive maps are used as a mechanism to predict weather patterns. These are the maps used to forecast temperatures, rainfall and warnings in the US. They include maps on wind, temperature, pressure, humidity, sea swells and waves. Most important thing apart from being informative is they are beautiful and fun to look at.

This is our first release and we have had a great response from our first customers with recommendations for future updates and their appreciations.

We will be working hard in the next few months in bringing even more new featured to our customers.

Additional Information:

US Weather Information App is available for $1.99 on the Apple App Store at:

For more information about the app, including screenshots, please visit


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